Visual Justice and Art of Persuasion

LegalGraphicsPro produces visually-compelling PowerPoint presentations that display documents, photographs, videos, animated charts, data tables, timelines, and drawings to support legal arguments and deliver complex information to judges and jurors in the most comprehensive visual form. LegalGraphicsPro also creates static boards that can be placed on easels for decision-makers’ reference during a presentation. LegalGraphicsPro will advise you on the most effective means of presenting evidence visually.

Since 2006 LegalGraphicsPro (descended from SP Design - Graphic Design Studio) has been creating demonstratives, opening and closing slide decks, witness decks, animations, and trial boards for: jury and bench trials, arbitrations, International Trade Comission cases, Markman hearings, and for court technology tutorials. LegalGraphicsPro has provided assistance with trial presentations both remotely and on-site at multiple trial locations.

Animated Drawings. SHOW IT IN ACTION.

Litigation visuals, ranging from simple line drawings to 3D-looking models created in Adobe Illustrator and animated in PowerPoint, help a litigator show a judge and jury what is happening within a person’s body, a device, or a structure. Animated visuals can also convey complex ideas in a simplified form.


Document call-outs are almost always used for trial exhibits in trial presentations. Highlighted parts of documents in evidence are enlarged to focus attention on pertinent dates, key information, or quotes that support an argument. Persuasive design and use of time-tested techniques maximize the effect of callouts in presentations.

Charts & Graphs. SHOW THE NUMBERS.

Charts and graphs help to present a vast quantity of data, including numbers and complex links between key players, in an understandable visual format. They capture a juror’s attention, clarify points and ultimately facilitate a favorable decision. Charts and graphs help to deliver the story behind numbers and statistics.


Timelines are used in almost every case in litigation to help all parties understand connections between facts and circumstances occurring in a chronological order. Timelines support an argument by displaying corresponding charts, documents, photographs and video when you click on each timeline entry.


Maps created from aerial photos or Google Maps images can be an indispensable tool in a litigator's arsenal. Maps are hand-traced in Adobe Illustrator to reduce the details to only objects relevant to the case; they are animated and made interactive. Maps show the progress of events happening to multiple objects in chronological order.

Trial Boards. Have your audience see it continuoUsly during your presentation.

Printed exhibits on foam core trial boards can supplement electronic presentations and make a convincing and lasting impression with jurors and judges. Static trial boards remain visible during the entirety of an attorney's presentations, thus allowing jurors and judges to continuously view and reference information on the board. With mastery in creating large scale print graphics, SP Design creates clean, effective trial boards.

Litigation Graphics SAMPLES

